When her mum doesn’t return from the store, Katie sits in a locked car on the top floor of a multi-storey car park. Her younger brother and his friend sit in the back seat, their faces are bruised as they look in disbelief at the bullies at the end of the car park.
Without an authoritive figure, the initial buzz of freedom quickly wears off as tensions rise and conflicts ingnite within the car.
The bullies constantly testing the kids from outside, testing how close they can get, testing what they can do to them.
Katie thrives on the lack of restrictions, dictating the activities and stratergies within the car. The two boys are stuck between two evils, confront their bullies or over-power Katie?
Concerned solely with the activity inside and directly outside the car, the kids fail to notice that they could merely be pawns in a much bigger game.
With numerous lead theatre performances under her belt, including Maria in The Sound of Music and Mrs Loveit in The Man of Mode, Georgie is really excited about Sirens.
"As soon as I read the script I was hooked. It's such an interesting, intense story and I can't wait to start!"
After a break-out role in the final Harry Potter film, and several student shorts, Ben has begun preparation for 'Sirens'.
"The idea of three kids stuck inside a car, and in particular, the interaction between them as time passed, is intriguing. So I read the script and was enthralled. Here's to a great shoot!"
Director of "Her Method of Loci", which was the most nominated film at London 'Screentest Festival 2011' with 6 nominations, including Best Picture and Best Cinematography.
The remaining cast and crew are TBC...
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