The Mostly Everything People are delighted to have been invited to perform at Abundance Festival 2013 in Karlstad, Sweden!!
However getting 5 company members, a drum kit, a Ukelele, an armchiar and the kitchen sink to Sweden is an expensive pastime. But with enough small contributions from you lovely people we'll get there! So if you can help us out we will be eternally grateful for the chance to make the most of this amazing opportunity.
This is the first time the company will be able to showcase work outside the UK to new audiences and create new, lasting creative relationships with people from all over the wolrd.
We will be taking our latest piece - My Way/This Way. This unsual combination of movement, text and live msuic explores human behaviour within a group dynamic. In particular, the ways people handle being in a group, how they choose to make themselves heard and to what level they will tolerate other people's social habits. Conversational tone and timing can make or break a relationship, does it pay to bite your tongue? Introvert or Extrovert?
Since creating the work in September 2012, the response has been very encourging recieving praise from critcis (see webpage for press). My Way/This Way has been presented at Chisenhale Dance Space, The Old Fire Station Theatre (Oxford), Bethnal Green Working Men's Club, Rich Mix and Resolution @The Place.
Check out the website for videos, images, reviews and more info:
Follow our progress on twitter @T_M_E_P
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