Send me to Gaza

Kettering, GB


I have been bowled over by the generosity of everyone who has helped spread awareness of this project.  With a day to go any extra SHARES, TWEETS etc are most welcome


Thankyou Sarah

Please send me to Gaza

Hi my name is Sarah Strudwick and I am an activist and writer on the subject of abuse, including children. My skills include avid social media blogging, and raising awareness of issues both home and abroad.

The harsh reality is that without your support I am cannot go so I'll try to keep the message short and sweet.

I've just been accepted on the convoy to Gaza which was organised by Harry Fear a journalist who lives and works in Gaza.

Many people in the UK and worldwide have been oblivious to the atrocities that happen in Gaza on a daily basis due to the fact that its rarely covered in mainstream news and often the news is biased. Thirty years ago I lived in Israel and saw what was happening first hand. Over the years things have become substantially worse ! As a result I have had a keen interest in observing what is happening albeit at a distance.

Its because of activists who have dedicated their lives to raising awareness that those who have had NO VOICE  encourage others who are prepared to raise their voice for them, thus educating the more people about the atrocities.

These atrocities include: living in an open prison, and dealing with war on a daily basis and abuse of children and basic human rights. In addition Israel kidnaps approximately 760 children a year, and  there are currently 243 Palestinian children under the age of 18, including 42 children under the age of 16, who are still imprisoned by Israel.  I have refrained from posting graphic images on here.

Watch  Harry explain his own reasons for helping describing what he saw in the mortuary.

Being accepted on the Convoy gives me the opportunity to see things first hand AND do something practical to help spread awareness on my return.  My reasons for wanting to volunteer are too long to list, however to sum it up in a few words despite the potential risks involved.

Sometimes we have no choice but to follow our moral compass.

Its not always about taking sides but is about doing what is right!

A personal message

In my humble opinion I believe its our responsibility as citizens of this earth to do the best that we can but that does NOT mean having Stockholm syndrome or being codependent enablers of psychopathic behaviour.. By not telling people and not protecting those that are most vulnerable we are all part of the problem and complicit. We become nothing more than "enablers" Sarah Strudwick

What will I be Doing?

Below are the key objectives of the Convoy are:

  • Producing media content on the situation afflicting Gaza, with a focus on getting Palestinians' voices out to the Western world

  • Supporting internationally-linked projects for Gaza

  • Solidarity campaigning networking

  • Fact-finding reporting back to homeland groups

  • Providing workshops and talks on specialist subjects to local Gazan NGOs and university faculties (where requested)

It is a HUGE honour to be part of this group and in order to go I need to raise money to cover airfares and accommodation.

As a mum of two grown up children I hope you too will follow your moral compass and support me. For those who are unsure I leave you with this question

How would you feel if it was your children ?

A video on "Collateral Damage" and why we are complicit if we do nothing. WARNING whilst this audio contains strong language it does NOT contain graphic images.

What am I spending your money on?

The funds are needed to pay for accommodation and flight costs.

Because I am self employed it will involve taking time off unpaid during the duration of the trip which runs from 30th June to 13th of July 2013. None of the funds raised will be used for my own personal use.

ALL moneys raise above and beyond the costs, i.e. flight and accommodation, will be used to buy much needed supplies and/or equipment for the people of Gaza. I'll be contacting the organisers nearer the date and compiling a list of things so any additional funding is most welcome!

I have created one reward and each person will get the same reward regardless of the amount they donate.

IF in the unfortunate event I do not raise enough money - ALL the money will be donated to convoy to Gaza.

I'll post updates as I go along

How to help

You can help spread this message by sharing on Facebook, Twitter and so on.

Thank you !



Feel free to share the image for this campaign


one day to go
Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2013 - 09:06

The project ends today and although I haven't raised as much as I needed I'm all booked to go. 

Hopefully I can raise a little more by the end of the day so any last minute shares on FACEBOOK, Twitter and so on are most welcome

Thankyou all again and look forward to sending you my report on return from Gaza




Just over a week to go
Posted: Saturday, 15 June, 2013 - 10:06

With just over a week to go to raise the rest of the money I just wanted to say Thankyou for all the generous donations over the last few days. Its going to take a monumental effort to get to the finishing post so any additional SHARES, TWEETS, and mentions on facebook are most welcome Thankyou Sarah

Posted: Tuesday, 11 June, 2013 - 23:06

I just wanted to say another big thankyou to those of you who have donated since the last update.  There are 33 of us going on the convoy and everyone has been really supportive of each other.  Some of us have writing backgrounds, some photography, some experience of dealing with abuse.  I'm getting very excited and have 11 days to go before the campaign ends.

There is still a long way to go but I am starting to feel HOPE.  An emotion that the people of Gaza have little experience of and rarely feel !

Please share the video, far and wide send an email or put it on Facebook and be part of putting HOPE back on the emotional compass of Gazas and  a STOP  to the abuse.

Thank you



Thank you
Posted: Tuesday, 28 May, 2013 - 18:05

Another thank.  Due to a reasonably large donation yesterd I am now up to 25% almost enough for the airfare !

Today I am going to post a video dedicated to the people of Gaza for their strong spirit . 


Contains some Graphic Images



Remember even if you cannot donate.  The shares are most welcome




video update
Posted: Saturday, 25 May, 2013 - 20:05

More shares and donations so thankyou all very much !

Julius my friend was kind enough to do this video.  I've shared some of my books in the past for those that couldn't afford them. 


Feel free to use this other video as a tool to promote awareness. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Posted: Thursday, 23 May, 2013 - 12:05

A Big thankyou to everyone whose donated so far.  I understand that things are very tight at the moment but I am humbled that many of the people who took the time to donate really don't have any money themselves. 

Thankyou all again and I hope you will continue to share.



Small FB support from : ►► "Please send me to Gaza", I need your help ! (Links below) ~


Users details

Days to go
GBP £1,500
100% raised of our GBP £1,500 goal
This project ended on Saturday, Jun 22nd - 22:22

This project's deadline has now expired - you can no longer back these rewards

You cannot back this project, funding is now complete.



£1.00 or more : A big THANK YOU and a mention on my blog and face book page. I will also send you a written report of my time there, including any pictures and a mention in any follow up You tube video. Sent Via email