For the last 12 months we have been creating INTERRUPTED our 100mph comedy about life crashing out of control, and with generous help and support from: Centre D'Art La Rectoria, Arts Council / British Council, Camden People's Theatre, Talent Madrid! Festival, we been able to reach audiences around Spain and London.
Now we want to take the show even further, and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is one of the biggest theatre showcases in the world, here we can present INTERRUPTED to national and international programmers and audiences from around the globe, and we need your help to take us there!
Having worked with some amazing collaborators- currently Teatro EnVilo are : Fiona Clift, Andrea Jimenez Garcia, Noemi Rodriguez Fernandez, Philippa Hambly and Ariel Gutierrez. Four performers and one technician. As well as performing the show everyday for a month we are producing and marketing the show at the festival. So far we have invested all of our hard-earned cash, from the last year of performing to cover the following costs:
Travel: £281.25
Accommodation: £3 500
Accommodation deposit: £350
Edinburgh/ Assembly fringe festival entry: £993.60
A personal investment of £5124.84!
Whilst we are rehearsing in Teatro EnVilo H.Q -Fiona's flat -to keep rehearsal costs down, we will need to survive in Edinburgh and this is what we are asking for: money to support the company of 5 of us for the month, which will be £250 each, we will be working , performing, promoting, living and breathing INTERRUPTED in Edinburgh.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for believing in us and INTERRUPTED
Teatro EnVilo: Andrea, Noemi, Fiona, Philippa, Ariel
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