The Body is a Design Machine

London, United Kingdom

Hi there,

We are a collective of female designers who simply love to design. Yes money is tight, yes we know the world's overheating and yes men dominate the design world. But here at Studio SUDI (Shut Up and Do It) we endeavour to keep a glass half full attitude. We don’t want to complain, we want to celebrate. We are rich in creativity, strong in motivation and loud in our appreciation for design.

Developing products from the ideas stage to manufacture is a costly process so we are trying to counteract this by using our creativity to create designs and processes that we can be the mass manufacturer of. We need a platform to show all our hard work so please help!  The title of our brief is “The Body is a Design Machine”. The outcome of the brief will be an interactive performance/exhibition of our research/products shown during London Design Festival (LDF, Sept 2012). We have filmmakers who would be interested in documenting this exhibition. We believe design isn’t just about the end product it is all about the process and development.

There are five designers in the collective, Freya Sewell, Hannah Niskanen, Sophia Fong, Emma Rayner and Clare Testar. We all work under the same belief that our collective is all about positivity, times are tough now but we see that as an exciting challenge, how can we use this to promote our creativity.

Our ethos is to create Things That Work. It’s simple and it’s true. We create affordable products that function well, look beautiful and are inherently sustainable.

We are really grateful to anyone who helps us out by donating to our cause, THANK YOU! xx

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GBP £600
100% von GBP £600 finanziert
Dieses Projekt endete am Montag 30 Juli - 22:52

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A little something is much better then nothing...

£2.00 + :


I just want to donate out of the kindness of my heart!



Personal Invitation to London Design Week show

£25.00 + : We will send you a beautiful SUDI invitation in the post, with a limited edition SUDI illustration