The Film Lobby

The Film Lobby - a networking platform for all involved in film making.
We enable you to create a fantastic and professional web presence whatever your film making skill and experience. You can link in your YouTube or Vimeo videos, add your photographs or audio files, state your union affiliations and physical stats, link to your personal website, agents website, IMDB page, host a blog, post shout outs, events, casting calls and project funding notices to help you get your movie made. You can friend people, message people, read our interesting articles, search through members.
But best of all you can do all this for free!

Helsing is a 6 part web series needing your help to reach a 5k goal, please look, donate & share
Leicester, GB
GBP £12
GBP £5,000
0 dies
How two generations of people (fathers and sons) experience the brutality of losing their job.
Portovesme, IT
GBP £2,525
GBP £4,300
0 dies
"I know this is insane but I'm not crazy and I'm prepared for the worst." - Seb, Newsreporter
Visby, SE
USD $255
USD $3,000
0 dies