How it works is the UK's leading viral funding site
- Get your ideas online
- Get feedback
- Get funding
- Repay sponsors in kind
- Retain full ownership
What is Viral Funding?
Viral funding describes the contagious process of raising support and funding through social networks and online media.
Sponsume makes viral funding easy by offering a free customisable project page and easy-to-purchase project vouchers that can be shared with your social network.
What is Sponsume?
Sponsume offers a platform that helps you promote the exciting new ideas and projects you want to see happen.
Sponsume matches great projects with their public. The best ideas attract the most support – and become reality!
What kind of projects will I find on Sponsume?
Sponsume welcomes a wide variety of projects.
New businesses, new products, charity events, exhibitions, concerts, balls, new albums, documentaries, films, sporting events, classes or conferences…
You name it, we Sponsume it!
Why do people choose to support projects?
Sponsume gives you access to some of the most exciting new ideas and projects around.
Choose the ones you think have real promise. Buy project vouchers and turn the best ideas into reality.
You can then enjoy the rewards and discounts that you’ve earned with your vouchers.
Backing a project
- Here’s how it works at a glance
- Why do people buy vouchers?
- How does the funding work?
- What do I get for my voucher?
- How do I buy vouchers?
- So Sponsume is not about investing?
- Does Sponsume charge anything?
- Do I get any recognition for backing projects on the website?
- Can projects be shared on other sites and social networks?
- What happens if I buy a voucher, but the project doesn’t reach its funding target?
- Can I buy several vouchers at once?
- Can I cancel my voucher purchase?
- Is there any risk?
Rewards and discounts
- Who creates the rewards for each project?
- What can be offered as a reward?
- Who is responsible for making sure project creators deliver what they promise?
- What are the ‘Community’ pages about?
Starting a project
- I have a project. What can Sponsume do for me?
- How do I start my project on Sponsume?
- Getting your project ready
- How long do I have to develop my project?
- How do I decide on a reward?
- Other treats?
- What happens if I don’t get enough supporters?
- Does allow part-funding?
- How much should I raise?
- Is there a minimum or a maximum for how much a project can raise?
- Can the funding option be disabled?
- Does all my funding have to come from Sponsume?
- Are my sponsors investors in my project?
- Is there anything that cannot be a project?
- Do I have to be UK-based to start a project?
- What documents do I need to apply for funding on Sponsume?
- If a project is successfully funded, how do project creators receive their money?
- Does Sponsume take some percentage of ownership or intellectual property of projects or products made through Sponsume?
- Do sponsors take a percentage of ownership or intellectual property of projects or products made through Sponsume?
- What does it cost me to use Sponsume?
- Are vouchers subject to VAT?
Managing a project
- Can projects be edited after launch?
- Can projects raise more than their funding target?
- Can a project owner cancel a project during the listing?
- What should I do if a project changes during the funding process?
- Can a project owner cancel a project after it has received funding?
- Can I edit my project after funding is completed?
- If I reach full funding but can't complete my project as listed, what should I do?
A few examples
About Us
Contact us
If you can't find answers to your questions anywhere on the site then drop us a line and tell us what's up. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. Send us an email