*英語の後に日本語での説明もあります。Japanese version is below the English version.*
Short Summary
‘It’s funny how an accident can make your life complete…’
From Up Here is a simple and beautiful musical by Aaron Lee Lambert, it was originally produced by Perfect Pitch at South Hill Park in Bracknell in June 2012. It explores time, change and the choices that shape the lives of five very different people whose paths cross in the most unlikely of ways, asking us the question: what makes life worth living? Through a score of vibrant and memorable songs, you will find your own story among their experiences.
High above the bustle of the city, five strangers find solace on the Brooklyn Bridge, suspended between who they were and what they might become.
Théatre Lapis is a new musical production which premiered on the New York stage last spring with the musical Ordinary Days. We are delighted to launch the revival tour of our production of From Up Here following the London premiere in September 2013, with its moving narrative and its wonderfully witty and humorous music.
Our aim at Théatre Lapis is to question traditional boundaries including those that exist between musical and straight plays, between western and eastern cultures, and to seek other frontiers.
The Artistic Director made this new production with a team of people who were professional in their native countries but are now studying again in London to extend their work to worldwide. It's a very exciting international collaboration - Japanese, Norwegian, Greek, etc.
We need your help, however, to develop our new production. Because our budget is limited and we still need to pay for stage set, costume, props, lighting etc. If we can get your help, this could be the most beautiful musical show in London.
What We Need & What You Get
We have already booked the venue and paid for the rights for the performance, and none of our creative team, actors, or production team are getting paid for working for this project. We still need your support to develop the show and pay for the materials. Our fundraising goal is £1500, not a huge amount of money, but it does means a lot to us. We do appreciate your help.
Budget Breakdown
Rental Costs: 50% Venue hiring fee, Copy right
Materials: 35% Stage set, Costume, Props, lighting & sound equipment
Publicity: 10% Script copying, Poster/Flyer
Other: 5%
The director Yojiro Ichikawa is an associate member of SDC, a member of DGGB and a member of Japanese Directors Association. After working for the two biggest musical companies in Japan, the Shiki Theatre Company and Ongakuza Musical Company, Yojiro was chosen as a member of the Japanese Government Overseas Study Programme for Artists 2010. In the UK, he joined some workshops and projects in The National Theatre, Young Vic Theatre, “Compicite”, Drama Centre London and Arts educational Schools London, and did fellowships in the New York Theatre Workshop, The Play Co, and RPR in the US. He also is a member of Directors Lab 2012 in Lincoln Center Theater. He is currently assisting the director Bob Tomson on the EVITA UK tour. His credits include: In Japan, Once on This Island, A Songs for A New World, Spring Awakening (Assisting/Translating). In UK; A Doll’s House, EVITA(Assisting), Legally Blonde (Assisting), A Russian in the Woods(Assisting), A Little Night Music (Assisting). In US: Ordinary Days, Alone World.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please share this page on FB, Twitter, Blog etc. Thank you so much for your help.
From Up Here はアーロン・リー・ランバートにより創られたミュージカルで、英国ミュージカルの創作を牽引するカンパニーPerfect Pitchプロデュースのもと、Bracknellにて2012年に初演されました。ニューヨーカー5人がブルックリンブリッジで出会い、人生の交流を通じて生きる意味に気付いていくまでを美しい音楽に乗せて描いた作品です。
Theatre Lapis は2012年にNYにて旗揚げ公演Ordinary Daysを皮切りに活動を開始いたしました。ミュージカルとストレート、東洋文化と西洋文化、身体性と精神性、様々なものの間にある隔たりを越境、融合し、新しい演劇の形を模索することを目標としている団体です。今回のFrom Up Here も、演出の市川を始めとする日本人を中心にヨーロッパ各国のアーティストを結集させたクリエイティブチームが、文化やインスピレーションを融合させた素晴らしい舞台を作るべく製作に励んでいます。
東京大学文学部卒業後、音楽座ミュージカル/Rカンパニー、劇団四季を経て、平成25年度文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度の研修員としてロンドンとニューヨークで一年ずつ滞在、The National Theatre, Young Vic Theatre, Lincoln Center Theater, New York Theatre Workshop, The Play Company, Complicite, Arts Educational Schools London, Drama Centre Londonなどで研修を積む。2012年、ふたたびロンドンに戻り、舞台演出の修士課程を修了。英国、米国、日本で文化間の壁を越え、融合させた舞台芸術をめざし活動中。
劇団四季を経て舞台美術家として日本で活動後、英国に渡り修士課程を取得、現在は日本・英国を拠点に活動中。日英両国にて現在までに40を超える作品を手掛けている。主な作品は、オペラ ロビンソン・クルーソー(新国立劇場)、ドン・ジョバンニ(Cockpit Theatre、ロンドン)、ミュージカル 桃次郎の冒険(日生劇場)、演劇 Drama Like Enemies of the States(Pleasance Theatre、ロンドン)
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